Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Hole

I want my poetry to expose “the hole”…

…I want the space undeniable like the Higgs Boson

...The fiery hole is where I’m told I will go for standing up for my gay brothers and sisters...

...It is where I am told I will go for despising the hate that spews from Pat Robertson’s mouth, molding ignorant minds...

...I don’t buy the religion they have fed me since I was a child...

...Justifying exploitation of people around the globe because believing in my heart that I was chosen to live in the “greatest country on earth” by the creator of the universe, the childish, fickle, blood thirsty villain in Abrahamic faiths, is exactly what enables us to allow atrocity...

...God spoke through Moses who wrote Leviticus, and demanded rape, murder and slavery...

...Putting “In God We Trust” on your monopoly money doesn’t make me value it more
Fuck you...

...The hole is the place of debt that most Americans will never claw themselves out of and there’s a reason for that aside from them making poor decisions...

...I am sick of being a battery for those who value my existence in only being a cog in the machine to fuel their greedy conquests...

...Shareholders invest in whatever yields an impossibly ever growing return and fairness and honesty have no place in the realm of dollars...

...The more Federal Reserve notes we have, the more chains are attached to society as a whole...

...There will never be enough money because it is printed as debt to be paid back with interest that does not exist unless more is printed, with interest...

...The debt is paid in hours of our lives from what we can produce...

...We are taught that the system of capitalism is simply the idea of supply and demand and that private owners are doing others services...

...But what of those private owners who systematically condition us on WHAT to demand?...

...Bombarding us, while we sleep, with fake labels of meaning, mirrored in the currency they give us, to convince us the void will be filled and the fear will subside...

...That’s a business too...

...We are conditioned to TRUST that “freedom” is being able to choose between a few corporations hundreds of identical products with different labeling...

...They want you consistently buying things you cannot afford now, in hopes of earning more debt later... 

...They want you to believe you can be a billionaire overnight, like they were when they were born. But they punish you for saving because they say you need to “stimulate the economy” which translates to: buy lots of cheap but overpriced goods made in another country on the backs of other struggling humans working slave wages so that you can feel exceptional...

...They demand our accountability but defer any of their own responsibility to give anything back after they have systematically extracted from our labors...

...For thoughts like these, “the hole” is more specified by the word “pigeon” which is how they want you...

...Because I want to put these men behind bars, the manipulators of the “free market”, I am pigeon holed...

...It’s not a conspiracy theory; it is your life as an impressionable primate...

...I am angered by the pigeon hole...

...I am not anti-American, I am pro humanity...

...I am a fan of honesty and I prize fairness...

...The hole is where they threaten to throw me while I am serving time in jail when I talk shit to deputies for loyally protecting the people who would happily dine on their children’s futures...

...I am a “domestic terrorist” because I want a future for children and this means the fruits of their labors will not be taxed to pay for wealthy ex-military officials new companies contracted to build in another country torn apart by a war they manufactured...

...Creating economically depraved neighborhoods to raise poor children whose choices for prosperity include risking their lives to go overseas to defend oil tycoon’s investments and murder anyone who opposes, or being grunts for drug cartels whose profits uphold shady wall street practices...

...Hundreds of thousands of riot police believing the lie that they are doing something just, by crushing any efforts to hold the criminal class accountable...

...The pigeon hole is the most dangerous because that allows us to be imprisoned when we’re not in custody...

...It makes our families shun us and our livelihoods compromised...

...They want us to choose between their pigeon hole, and their debt hole or face their fiery hell hole after death, for eternity...

...I’ll settle for neither and the threat is meaningless...

...The only thing they can do is attempt to silence us by instituting law after law to make us look like we’re the problem...

...To make us look like we hate America and that they should be free to define for us what OUR freedom is...

...We demand justice and honesty with each other and with ourselves but those words come from a language they do not understand, the only language they understand is profit...

...My free speech is paid for, not by soldiers but by the endangered middle class who loyally stand behind this corruption by buying into the circus...

I want my poetry to bring the false paper mache’ structure of mindless consumerism and waste level to the bottom of the hole through the actions of people who hear it

“When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty” – Jefferson